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Below are several unique places that you can use your God-given gifts to serve. You'll find a brief description of the area along with someone you can connect with to get more information and to sign up to serve.


Those involved with the Administration department serve our church body with clerical help.



There are lots of opportunities to serve on the administration team like folding letters, stuffing envelopes, scheduling teams, and more and we welcome you to join us!


Rachel McMaster, ext. 303
[email protected]









The All Shores Production team creates a distraction free environment where people can come and encounter the presence of God

Production Ministry


There are opportunities to serve on the production team through audio, video, lights, and visual media.


Riley Rimes, ext. 319
[email protected]



Are you artistically inclined? The All Shores Communication team is a great way to get involved while doing something you love.

Marketing & Design


We are looking for Copy Writers, Editors, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, Photographers, Painters, Print Makers and others. This is an amazing opportunity to build a portfolio while serving the Lord. 


As a member of the All Shores Communication Team you will have an opportunity to volunteer on an as-needed basis. There is no weekly commitment. 


Because of the nature of this volunteer team, you will be contacted and asked to provide a small (3-5 pieces) portfolio of your work once we have received your initial sign-up. 


Gabby Ray, ext. 337
[email protected]



If you have gifts of hospitality or leadership, you might want to consider serving as a Growth Group leader or Guest Reception host.


Community Life


We are looking for groups leaders and coaches to help build a vibrant community of connection and care.


TEAM LEADER:Brandi Hafler ext. 331

[email protected]

There are many ways to help our Facilities Team keep our Spring Lake Campus well-kept and welcoming.



Our landscaping needs include general gardening, mowing our lawns, and snow removal in the winter.


Our cleaning needs include general housekeeping, cleaning and stocking our kitchen and cafe areas, and occasional special projects such as carpet cleaning and window washing.


Our maintenance needs include electrical and plumbing upkeep and building and painting projects.


Penny Flipse, ext. 314 

[email protected]


There are many ways to get involved with the Food Pantry and Mobile Food Truck to serve those in need in our church and community.

Food Ministry


Food Pantry is open every Monday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at our Spring Lake Campus. You can help by collecting items for the pantry, serving once a month at the pantry, organizing our pantry, or shopping for special items.

All 3 campuses host a Mobile Food Truck through out the year. You can get involved by serving dinner, praying with people, or distributing grocery items from the Feeding America truck.

Hand2Hand is a food backpack program in West Michigan that offers healthy resources for children on the weekends and is a partnership with churches and local schools.


Patrick Cooper
[email protected]


Our Hospitality team serves on Sunday mornings to create a welcoming and friendly environment at All Shores.



Parking lot and door greeters welcome our guests as they come onto the campus and enter the building. Cafe hosts prepare and serve coffee and drinks before and after the services. Our ushers assist guests as they enter the Worship Center and collect the offering, and crossing guards assist families crossing to and from the Family Parking Lot.


Brandi Hafler ext. 331
[email protected]

There are a wide variety of opportunities to invest in the lives of the kids at All Shores!

Shorekids Ministry


There is a large variety of ways you can get involved in serving in the Shore Kids Ministry including: Nursery workers, large group teachers, growth group facilitators, pre-school and elementary helpers, worship leaders, check-in helpers, guest hosts, tech team, and more!


Amy Sheridan
[email protected]


The All Shores worship communityis a group of worshippers hungry for the presence of God, seeking to bring Him honor and praise, and longing to see His glory fill the earth through song and music.



The All Shores worship community is a group of worshippers hungry for the presence of God, seeking to bring Him honor and praise, and longing to see His glory fill the earth through song and music.


Carter Lezman, ext. 321
[email protected]

Serving in our youth ministry, Warehouse, means you will be helping youth discover who God is, what He believes about them and how to stand in their faith.

Warehouse Youth Ministry


There are several opportunities at the Warehouse to get involved including Group Leaders, Worship Team, Audio and Video and guest experience.



Aaron Fongers

[email protected]


Lindsey Callaway

[email protected]


The Prison Ministry team brings hope and the transformational love of Christ to those who are incarcerated or in our life-recovery program.

Prison Ministry


We partner with local Jail and Prison Ministries to offer continued support for their programs. Forgotten Man Ministries is our local jail ministry partner. Prison Fellowship and Fresh Coast Alliance are our local prison ministry partners. All of these ministries are doing tremendous things that are not only bringing about life transformation among the incarcerated, but also raising up tomorrow's leaders inside and outside the prison walls. We work with these programs in various ways throughout the year.



Patrick Cooper - p[email protected]


The Prayer Team is a group of individuals who have gifts of faith, intercession, healing, and prophecy.

Prayer Ministry


Healing Prayer Ministry is for those who have a desire to help people emotionally and physically heal. This ministry requires training and ministering on a team. Those who have the gift of healing, discernment and intercession are well suited for this ministry.


​Care Ministry utilizes individuals willing to pray over the phone with those with chronic illness, shut-in’s or individuals with short-term crisis or health needs.



Julie Burns - julie.[email protected]

All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name. (Psalm 86:9)



We support the global church by mobilizing our congregation to strengthen the relationship with our missionaries engaged in justice, mercy and evangelism with those who are far from God. We have multiple mission trip opportunities through out the year. A care team has also been established to support and care for our missionaries out on the field from the comfort of your home.



Thad Spring - [email protected]


If you have a heart for the nations and displaced peoples, consider serving on our refugee team.

Refugee Ministry


We periodically welcome a refugee family through our partnership with Bethany Christian Services/PARA (Programs Assisting Refugee Acculturation). As a co-sponsor we help the family settle in to their new culture here in the Tri-Cities. You can imagine the overwhelming sense of change and insecurity that comes from resettling as a refugee. We share radical love in practical ways through our relationships with these families. We also partner with the Refugee Center in Grand Rapids as we periodically send a group of people over to serve dinners to local refugees.


If you are interested in serving with our refugee ministry, please email [email protected].


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